Thursday, September 20, 2007

Need Money for Your Business? Raise It Yourself!

About two weeks ago (beginning of September 2007), I found out about this ingenious way of raising money--for a business, project, or whatever you want. This plan is so simple, I wish I had thought of it first!

This plan came about when the owner of Bedzzz Inn Inc. grew tired of waiting for traditional business financing to come through to get the business "off the ground." So he and several others brainstormed and took matters into their own hands. They ended up raising over $92,000 in 90 days--totally online! Their step-by-step plan, Fundraiser 1.0, is now available to anyone who needs to raise money for a business or any worthy cause.

I have added Fundraiser to my "Foundation for Success" because I realize that a number of home-based or small businesses may not be eligible for traditional business financing, or may encounter the same frustrations Bedzzz Inn experienced, and seek an alternative way to fund their businesses.